You have honed your patience. Few on this earth possess the wherewithal to pursue your line of work, let alone remain committed to it. But you have, and for good reason. You realize that your work may reach the lives of hundreds, thousands, or perhaps even all of Thedas. You could redefine the way the Faithful look at the Chant of Light, revolutionize medicinal practices, or usher in an age of peace between the nations of Thedas.

Though you've yet to aspire to such lofty heights, your position affords you influence over a portion of the populace. In time, your word may become law.

Typical Arbiters: Socialites, members of the Chantry, scholars, politicians.

Arbiters start out with 3 skills, 3 talents, 1 weapon, 2 accessories, 2 miscellaneous items and a coin purse.
Common Laborer
Your life's been nothing but hard work. And why wouldn't it be? You weren't born with a title or a fancy last name, and when you've got neither of those things, you've got to work, and work hard. Oftentimes for less pay than you're worth, and you're used to logging longer days than you'd like. People don't often appreciate you, but if you're lucky, they appreciate your work. You are the backbone of society, after all.

Overall, it's not too bad. Your rent's always on time, or you might even be a freeholder. And meals are pretty consistent most days.

Common Laborers start out with 5 skills, 2 talents, 1 weapon, 2 accessories, 1 miscellaneous item, a coin purse, and they may have a cat or dog for free.
You are the soldier of a cause. Your cause may differ, and your title may vary with it, but you are the only thing between mankind and its destruction, be it from crime, darkspawn or a foreign army. The bulk of your life has been spent training. Training to hone your courage, discipline and skill. Your life will be sacrifice, sacrifice to people that won't even know your name. Sacrifice to people that may even despise you for it.

But your path is honorable, and your will unwavering. The fate of Thedas has been shaped by those like you, for there are few who wield your strength and prowess.

Typical Enforcers: Guardsmen, soldiers, circle mages, mercenaries, grey wardens.

Enforcers start out with 4 skills, 4 talents/spells, 2 weapons, 1 armor, 3 miscellaneous items and a coin purse.
You've never been one for cities, whether by choice or necessity. Cities come with buildings, slums, stench, attention, humans and the law. Whatever you're avoiding, you've gotten good at avoiding it. You know the whisper of the wind, the lay of the land, and the heart of the beast. You could survive for months, even years without relying on another, and it would take the most skilled tracker to find you.

City folk might think you're mad. But you've seen their way of life. They may have more luxuries, but they have more rigidity, more rules. They would never know your kind of freedom.

Typical Outdoorsmen: Dalish elves, hunters, hermits, travelers, highwaymen.

Outdoorsmen start out with 3 skills, 3 talents/spells, 1 weapon, 6 miscellaneous items, 1 accessory, a coin purse, & may start with a cat or dog for free.
When the Maker was handing out breaks, he must've overlooked you. You've had to fight to make end's meet, and put food on the table. Sometimes things work out, but more often than not, they don't. You're acquainted with the word poverty, and know the scummiest part of the slums like the back of your hand. You know which hole to hunker down in if you miss rent, and you probably know where the inns dump their leftovers.

It's not all for naught, though. While you've watched other people live a life of comfort, you've become self reliant. You know how to survive when the chips are down, which is more than most people can say. And you learn, fast.

Typical Pariahs: City elves, beggars, indentured servants, the diseased.

Pariahs start out with 4 skills, 4 talents, 1 dagger and may have a dog or cat for free. However, Pariahs get a 10% discount on all bought skills and talents after acceptance.
Some people talk about a life of duty, honor and sacrifice. That sounds like a load of bollocks to you. What good is hard work for little pay and no recognition? That's what other people are for. You are there to help those good people out of their hard earned coin. And maybe a few nobles, too, although you'd hardly consider them good. You've got a quick hand and a quick wit, and few can keep pace with either.

There's a chance you might die young, but you'll strike it rich faster than most any, that's for sure. And in the mean time? You get to avoid all that hard work and responsibility.

Typical Scoundrels: Pirates, thieves, con-artists, mercenaries, muggers.

Scoundrels start out with 3 skills, 3 talents, 1 weapon, 1 armor, 3 accessories, 1 miscellaneous item, and a coin purse.
General Rules

It's all pretty generic: No advertising other sites. No spamming. Don't heavily discuss or link to other RP sites. Don't bring in drama. Don't pester people. Don't impersonate other members. And, do not mention any Chantry board updates.

Regarding Guests

We more than welcome guests into our cbox. Feel free to introduce yourself, get to know the others, and ask any questions. However please do not use this cbox as a free chat room - unless you have buisness with, or are looking into this site, we ask that you don't clog our cbox with random bits.