Letolto Nélkül Ingyenes Dedicada A Mi Ex Avi 4K updated Aug 11, 2020 3:48:01 GMT -5
Sitting on the western shore of Lake Calenhad, the village of Redcliffe is so named for the reddish hues of the cliffs that tower above it. A path leads up into the hills and across a bridge to an island where the ancient Castle Redcliffe, seat of the Guerrin family, has stood far longer than the village itself.
An impressive tower built by the Avvars, along with some help from dwarves, it was long considered impregnable - until Tevinter drove the Avvars from it. It's currently used as Ferelden's primary Circle of Magi. It is located on Lake Calenhad, and accessed only by boat. The tower consists of five floors, the floors themselves dozens of feet in height, making for a particularly tall image against the backdrop of the lake.
Lake Calenhad
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Lake Calenhad
The waters of Lake Calenhad are steeped in legends. From the Avvars, who believed it was the former site of the mountain which stood at the center of the world, to the Tevinters, who believed that the waters of Lake Calenhad were blessed by Razikale and that those who drank from them were granted special insights, and to the Fereldens themselves with the legend of King Calenhad Theirin, which gives the place its name.
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