The year is 8:68 Blessed, twenty-four years after the Orlesians claimed Ferelden as their hard-won prize. The "backwater" nation has seen a great deal of change in the two and half decades since.

Under New Rule
☀ Prior to the fall of Ferelden, King Vanedrin Theirin was slain on the field of battle, leaving his son to inherit the throne. A youth, Brandel Theirin was hardly inspiring and could not manage to rally his countrymen against the invaders. After the Orlesian victory, Emperor Florian promptly installed his cousin, Meghren to the Ferelden throne. Meghren has ruled over the country ever since, with equal parts ignorance and contempt toward the Fereldan people and their customs.

A Better Venue
☀ In 8:65 Blessed, King Meghren deemed a change of scenery "necessary". Since then, the warmer Amaranthine has been the capital of Ferelden, and enjoyed all the perks contained therein. Arl Tarleton Howe of Amaranthine has seen his coffers explode with increased trade and taxation. As a whole, the city has expanded rapidly, and is significantly more Orlesian in its atmosphere than the rest of Ferelden.

A Change of Culture
☀ While the change of culture is most prevalent in Amaranthine, other towns and villages have proven susceptible to the new customs as well, particularly those headed by an Orlesian arl or bann. But the Orlesian lifestyle has not simply infiltrated Ferelden in isolated pockets. The whole of the Court, and by extension the upper class, are expected to take part of "the Game", a complex political machine that employs humiliation, rumor and scandal to garner favor and shame adversaries. Those that do not wish to play are regarded with disdain, and suspected of harboring rebel sympathies.

Where the society has not spread, the fashion has. The practical sensibilities of Fereldan fashion are viewed with disgust by the bulk of the elite, who elect for the bright colors and volumes of fabric employed by the Orlesians. Even the upper-middle class have taken to brighter palettes and silks, weather permitting.

Fledgling Rebellion
☀ The absentee youth, Brandel Theirin was not considered a threat by the Orlesian conquerors. Since then, the displaced King has bided his time and wandered from door to door, garnering support. While his presence isn't particularly inspiring, and his stratagems have proven less than effective, the anti-Orlesian sentiment in Ferelden has blossomed with each passing year. Even with a defeat in recent memory, the Fereldans are too proud a people to remain under Orlesian thumb for long, and Meghren's rule has only helped to fan the flames.
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